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History Book a Masterpiece

A brilliant partnership between the Sebastopol Historical Society and Sebastopol Primary School has resulted in a 200-page keepsake book depicting the 150-year history of the school. The 1000-hour project was researched, written and compiled over a period of 7 months leading up to the school’s 150th celebrations.

Our Community Bank was so pleased to support this project to ensure the Society was able to print plenty of copies of the masterpiece to return back to the school community. We understand how important it is to record and preserve our local history for years to come and that’s why this was a critical project for us to get behind. The books were sold at $10 to ensure they were affordable for school families to keep as a milestone memento of the occasion.

The launch of the book was a feature of the second day of the school’s 150th anniversary celebrations which was attended by former students, families and staff from the local area, around Victoria and interstate. The event organisers were thrilled to have Ballarat Mayor, Councillor Des Hudson, Federal Parliamentarian, Member for Ballarat, Catherine King and State Parliamentarian, Member For Wendouree Juliana Addison participate in the celebrations.

Historical Society representative Sue Parker said “the publication of the book helped to demonstrate to the community what a vibrant and significant history the school has. Over 150 years the Sebastopol community has shown great initiative and perseverance in their attempts to provide the best educational opportunities possible for the children of Sebastopol”.

So far over 270 copies of the book have been printed and sold. This alone has been a fabulous morale boost for the small team who worked on the project.

As for what the future holds the for Historical Society, “we are expanding the opportunities for local Ballarat organisations such as, Probus clubs, U3A groups, senior citizens, kindred historical societies and historians to visit our museum and make use of our historical resources. Similarly we want to further our work in providing educational opportunities for school students to work with our volunteers and visit our museum”, Sue said.

If your community group or organisation may be interested in applying for Community Investment project funding, ask in Branch for more information, eligibility criteria and/or apply online at


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