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Bunny rail trail opened

The "Bunny Trail" Rail Trail was officially opened by Mayor Cr Des Hudson today. The trail, which connects Mt Clear to Ballarat, was constructed by Friends of Canadian Corridor (FoCC) with support from the City of Ballarat, our Community Bank and Regional Development Victoria. We were always on board as we understood what a significant opportunity it was to contribute to such a connective and meaningful nature track for local walkers and cyclists. FoCC proposed the rail trail on old rail embankment land that was about to be auctioned off in 2019. Thanks to the collaboration between the community, council, sponsors, and contractors, the project was successful. FoCC Representative Jeff Rootes said "it's been an all-of community project. Michaela Settle MP postponed the auction, council purchased the land, Community Bank Buninyong provided the funding, and Tracie Currie donated access to land for the project. Regional Development Victoria provided a grant for a rail trail rest stop, Council ensured the trail met standards, Parks Victoria installed signage and access control, and volunteers dedicated numerous hours to clear and establish the trail". Mt Clear College students also contributed by planting grasses and shrubs. The project was managed by FoCC and has cost over $50,000 to date. If your community group or organisation may be interested in applying for Community Investment project funding, ask in Branch for more information, eligibility criteria and/or apply online at


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